Welcome to the official website of Abdulkadeer Consulting


We offer a variety of services to our clients including


Development and installation of accounting systems, Book keeping, Preparation of periodic statement of accounts, Development of billing systems, Bank and other reconciliation.


Insolvency services, Feasibility studies, Training a recruitment of accounting staff, Internal auditing and other value added services, Information technology services, Computer bureau services, Bank charges review and recovery

Human Resources Management

Recruitment and training, Personnel audit and payroll automation

Accountancy & Assurances

Our approach to accountancy and other assurance assignment entails five separate stages: Planning, Review of control environment, Obtain audit evidence, Review of financial statement, Report of findings

Investigations & Corporate Finance

We provide full range of services in capital and money market operations, such as: (i) Investments decisions: Purchase of business, Purchase of shares in a company (mergers & acquisitions), Participation in partnerships (ii) Investigations under company act 1991: Affairs of a company, Ownership of a company. (iii) Special Investigations- investigations on issues such as: Fraud, Loss of profit, costing and financial investigations, Back duty investigations

Accountancy Services

In addition to the investigations, we also provide the following accountancy services: Advice on the implementation of new statutory and other accounting requirement, Basic accounting services, Advice on computerization of systems, Advice on methods of stock control and other general financial advice.

Consultancy Services

We provide complete range of consultancy services to assist our clients in getting solutions to their planning and operational problems. The areas of coverage include: Training, Feasibility studies, Financial appraisal, Internal auditing and value added services, Information technology services, Bank charges review and recovery

Review of financial statements

i) Review of the accounting policies adopted by the enterprise to determine whether such policies: Comply with relevant accounting standards, Are consistent with those of the previous period, And whether they are consistently applied throughout the period covered by the assignment; and Disclosures are in accordance with the requirements of the accounting standards and applicable Companies Act. (ii) Review of the financial statements to ensure consistency with the management knowledge of the underlying circumstances of the business. (iii) We also test to ensure that the financial statement comply with the disclosure and other requirement of statutes, accounting standards and applicable regulations. (iv) Carry out post balance sheet review up to the date of the report to ensure that post balance sheet events and contingencies have been properly accounted for and the application of the going concern concept is valid.


The Partner in charge of an assurance service would identify the right number of suitably experienced staff to handle the assignment. The allocated staff would be properly briefed about the clients business, their system of accounting and the scope of the job to be carried out. At the planning stage, we would establish any critical areas to which particular attention must be paid. The experiences gained from previous assignment will be useful in identifying those areas of the assignment that are likely to course problem that will require professional judgment/solution. To achieve this we carry out; (i) A review of the continuing relevance of matters raise during previous assignment. (ii) A review of interim and management accounts. (iii) An assessment of the effects of changes in legislation or accounting practices on the enterprise financial statements. (iv) A review of any significant changes in the activities of the company or key personnel. (v) Management and operational review, including: • Review of the current and future accounting and management information requirements of the company, and the extent to which the finance department is organized to fulfil the requirement. • Review of the detail responsibilities and limits of authority within the finance department and the extent of contribution to the enterprise objective/goals. • Examine work follow with specific reference to scheduling, allocation of priorities to tasks, distribution of work amongst staff, and the effectiveness of management supervision and delegation. • We prepare time budget showing the significant stages of the assignment and their target dates.


Leaders Trained
Satisfied Clients
Awards Won


Our clients appreciate an accounting partner who takes the time to understand their businesses and goals, and who's proactive with their tax, consulting, audit and accounting needs. But don't take our word for it – read what they have to say:

"I just wanted to say what an excellent accountant you are. You do the annual accounts for my companies and you: always make the process seemless; always make the process simple and hassle free; explain everything in detail; give me plenty of notice of when accounts are due. My colleagues who liaise with you on a regular basis, find you and your team prompt, efficient and easy to deal with."

Engr Tom Anthony

CEO, Ultimate Chambers

“AbdulkadeerConsulting are very straightforward to deal with and more significantly have taken the stress factor out of my accounting needs for the past two tax years. I am therefore happy to recommend them to others”

Jane Adams

Designer, Tentewa Africa, Abuja

''The service from AbdulkadeerConsulting has been excellent and is faultless. They give us the reassurance to know we are complying with the rules and regulations and if we have any queries, the team is brilliant at getting back to us and sorting it out. AbdulkadeerConsulting has taken all the hard work out of auto enrollment.''

Michael Chinedu

Executive, KaleidoscopeCo


Have a look at our post of several events as they unfold!

The Power of Focus

Each week take one day completely off. No business phone, no emails. No work. Just make it your day to think and plan. But don’t actually do any business work. Spend time with your family. At least one day each week should be a full family day. If you can’t do that, be sure to […]

Take Time to Think

Take time to think it is the source of power Take time to read it is the foundation of wisdom Take time to play it is the secret of staying young Take time to be quiet it is the opportunity to see God Take time to be aware it is the opportunity to help ot

Latest Leadership Workshop

The Leadership Challenge® Workshop is a unique, intensive, and highly interactive experience that has served as a catalyst for profound leadership transformations in … And you’ll get plenty of hands-on practice applying The Five Practices leadership model to current organizational and personal leadership challenges.

Petroleum Revenue Management

Petroleum Revenue Management (Day 1) Course Objective The main objective of this course provide answers to the main issues that typically arise in managing and allocating revenue generated from upstream oil and gas activities. Specifically, it addresses issues around good practice in petroleum revenue management. More… Petroleum Revenue Management (Day 2) Elements of Production Sharing […]

Optimizing every area of your business!

From market research, design and prototyping to production and delivery, we cover it all.


To arrange a consultation or workshop, send us a message.

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