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Petroleum Revenue Management

Petroleum Revenue Management (Day 1)

Course Objective

  • The main objective of this course provide answers to the main issues that typically arise in managing and allocating revenue generated from upstream oil and gas activities.
    • Specifically, it addresses issues around good practice in petroleum revenue management.


Petroleum Revenue Management (Day 2)

Elements of Production Sharing Contract

  • Many aspects of the government/contractor relationship may be negotiated but some are normally determined by legislation.
  • Those elements that are not legislated must be negotiated.
  • Usually, the more aspects that are subject to negotiation, the better.
  • This is true for the government agency responsible for negotiations as well as for the oil companies.
  • Flexibility is required to offset differences between basins, regions, and license areas within a country.


Petroleum Revenue Management (Day 4)


Economic growth is an increase in the total output of the economy.  It occurs when a society acquires new resources or when it learns to produce more by using existing resources.



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Latest Leadership Workshop

The Leadership Challenge® Workshop is a unique, intensive, and highly interactive experience that has served as a catalyst for profound leadership transformations in ... And you'll get plenty of hands-on practice applying The Five Practices leadership model to current organizational and personal leadership challenges.

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The Power of Focus

  • Each week take one day completely off. No business phone, no emails. No work. Just make it your day to think and plan. But don’t actually do any business work.
  • Spend time with your family. At least one day each week should be a full family day. If you can’t do that, be sure to spend as much time as you possibly can each day in the mornings or evenings with the people you love and care about.
  • Before going to sleep, create an outline of what you want to accomplish the following day. Not in your head, write it down. Do that from Monday to Friday.
  • Find one thing that makes your day better. Each of us has things that we enjoy doing. Make sure you do something you enjoy each day. Whatever it is. Treat yourself.
  • Take a nap. The atleast 25 minutes to sleep mid day during the week. This will re-charge you and get you more focused. Especially if you’re waking up between 5:30-6:30am each morning.
  • Ask more. Don’t be scared of rejection. You need to ask people in all situations for what you want. It’s what kids do. It’s what works. Ask and you’ll often get.
  • Be consistent and persistent. Don’t give up on something after only a couple of tries. It can often take years of toiling away to make you an ‘overnight success’.
  • Keep your promises. Most people don’t follow through and do what they say. If you do, make sure you promote that fact. In emails or calls to clients, let them know that you got ____ done “as promised.” That will reinforce your commitment.
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