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Petroleum Revenue Management

Petroleum Revenue Management (Day 1)

Course Objective

  • The main objective of this course provide answers to the main issues that typically arise in managing and allocating revenue generated from upstream oil and gas activities.
    • Specifically, it addresses issues around good practice in petroleum revenue management.


Petroleum Revenue Management (Day 2)

Elements of Production Sharing Contract

  • Many aspects of the government/contractor relationship may be negotiated but some are normally determined by legislation.
  • Those elements that are not legislated must be negotiated.
  • Usually, the more aspects that are subject to negotiation, the better.
  • This is true for the government agency responsible for negotiations as well as for the oil companies.
  • Flexibility is required to offset differences between basins, regions, and license areas within a country.


Petroleum Revenue Management (Day 4)


Economic growth is an increase in the total output of the economy.  It occurs when a society acquires new resources or when it learns to produce more by using existing resources.



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